Empowering Sleep Solutions
Embrace the beauty of a well-rested baby. Whether you're a first-time mom or a seasoned parent, the journey to peaceful nights begins here. Discover the magic of peaceful slumber and the joy it brings to your family's life.
Let's create a dreamy sleep routine tailored just for your little one. You deserve nights filled with tranquility and days full of smiles. Together, we'll transform sleepless nights into sweet dreams.
Dreamy Sleep Solutions for Your Little One
I am here to provide the guidance and enlightenment needed to not only soothe your child’s restless nights but unravel the mystery behind the occurrence.
30-Minute Phone Chat
This consultation allows you to spend 30 minutes chatting with me via video call about any sleep questions you may have. It includes one 15-minute follow-up phone call 30 days later.
“4th Trimester” Package
This consult is perfect for expecting mamas or parents with infants 0-4 months. The Fourth Trimester is a term that refers to the three months after your baby has been born. The purpose of this consult is to educate you on how to navigate newborn sleep and create a healthy sleep foundation for your baby that will continue to follow through with them as they grow and develop.
This package includes:
Access to my “Newborn Sleep Guide” which will be emailed to you after purchase.
Initial 30-minute video chat to go over any concerns or questions regarding sleep.
Three monthly call check-ins to answer any sleep-related questions that may arise.
“Little Dreamer” Package
This consultation package is best suited for infants ages 5-18 months.
This package includes:
Access to my “Infant Sleep Guide” which will be emailed to you after your purchase.
Initial 1-hour video call to go over your client intake form, create your personalized sleep plan, and answer any sleep-related questions.
Three monthly call check-ins to answer questions and provide further guidance with implementing your sleep plan.
Extended Consultations
These extended consultation packages are a great option if you’re overwhelmed and exhausted from too many sleepless nights, have difficulties getting into a good rhythm for your child’s naps and bedtime routines, or need help adjusting your child’s schedule. We will discuss your specific goals in terms of your child’s sleep, and I will create a sleep plan that is appropriate and unique for your child's current developmental stage (5-24 months).
The package that you choose to purchase will determine the time we have to work together to implement the plan. I will be there to turn to for advice along the way, review sleep logs together (which will be shared with you before our start date), as well as ensure all is going smoothly.
Each consultation package includes:
30-minute initial phone consult to go over intake form together.
Personalized sleep plan for your child.
Daily text or email support.
Daily sleep log review.
Mid-consultation phone call check-in (for one and two-week packages only).
Wrap-up phone call at the end of the consultation future sleep transitions discussion.
Follow-up phone call one month after consultation has ended to answer any questions or concerns that may have come up.
If you’re unsure which package to choose, schedule your free 15-minute discovery call and I can provide my recommendations based on your child’s current sleep patterns.
3 days of support ($350)
30-minute initial phone consult to go over intake form together
Personalized sleep plan for your child
Daily text or email support
Daily sleep log review
Wrap-up phone call at the end of the consultation future sleep transitions discussion
Follow-up phone call one month after consultation has ended to answer any questions or concerns that may have come up
1 week of support ($650)
30-minute initial phone consult
Personalized sleep plan for your child
Daily text or email support
Daily sleep log review
Mid-consultation phone call check-in
Wrap-up phone call at the end of the consultation future sleep transitions discussion
Follow-up phone call one month after consultation has ended to answer any questions or concerns that may have come up
2 weeks of support ($1,250)
30-minute initial phone consult
Personalized sleep plan for your child
Daily text or email support
Daily sleep log review
Mid-consultation phone call check-in
Wrap-up phone call at the end of the consultation future sleep transitions discussion
Follow-up phone call one month after consultation has ended to answer any questions or concerns that may have come up
NOTE: Personalized sleep plans will be sent within 24 hrs of initial phone consult; the start date for your selected package will be determined during our initial phone call